Dr. Cornelius
Short CV
Cornelius Lindemann studied law at the Ruprecht-Karls-University in Heidelberg with a focus on employment and social law.
Following his studies, he received his doctorate from the Faculty of Law at the University of Heidelberg with a thesis on working time law ("Limits of working time - an analysis of working time, remuneration and works constitution law for times in the border area of work performance"). He completed his legal clerkship in Hamburg (including Allen & Overy LLP, Hamburg Labour Court) and in Seoul, South Korea (Shin & Kim LLC).
(Languages: German, English)
One law firm, many awards: You will find SCHRAMM MEYER KUHNKE in all major rankings and our colleagues in recognised publications.
The industry magazine JUVE also names SCHRAMM MEYER KUHNKE as one of the leading German employment and labour law firms in the JUVE Handbook 2023/2024, and in the brand eins ranking, our law firm is also ranked in the highest category in 2023. The news magazine FOCUS once again ranks SCHRAMM MEYER KUHNKE as one of Germany's top commercial law firms in the field of employment and labour law, while Chambers and Partners also names SCHRAMM MEYER KUHNKE as one of the leading German employment and labour law firms. This also applies to the rankings of Handelsblatt / Best Lawyers, Legal500 and Leaders League.
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Doctoral thesis 2021